W.D.I.W.O.B.T.Y.C.P.I? Huh? What does "Widdy-Wob-Ti-ssippi" mean? A: Why Does It Work Out Better Than You Can Possibly Imagine? There is also the variation, "WDIWOBTICPI," which is pronounced the very same way, "Widdy-Wob-ti-ssippi", Which is in the first person: "Why does it work out …
More About Genius
After reading my last post about "Genius", a friend of mine sent me a link to this wonderful TED talk by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat, Pray, Love". I think she makes some excellent points. Why do creative people have this reputation for being unstable, and prone to mental illness. We don't even …
Genius. I've been called that a lot lately. It feels weird. But they could be right. (I'm either a genius or I have WICKED A.D.D.!) In reality, I'm just a guy who is interested in a lot of different ideas and areas of endeavor. And they all work together perfectly. I finally learned to read …