Ok. This one is a deep one. Pun intended. I wrote it in 2006 after a single date with a lovely woman who I was convinced was "the One." She wasn't interested even in another date... I was devastated... it wasn't just that disappointment, my brief 2nd marriage had ended a year or so before that and …
Zack Landry: Music That Doesn’t Suck
Hey folks... Check this OUT! then go to YouTube and subscribe to their channel. Tell 'em I sent you. - Mark …
Why Modern Mainstream Music Sucks
And why after all this time, I have fewer than 1,000 followers on youtube. However! Every day I work on creating music that matters to ME! and if it helps ME get through MY day, maybe it will help someone else... Check out my channel! Https://YouTube.com/c/MarkShepard/ Thank you so much …