I Dislike This Immensely... BUT I'm gonna do it ANYWAY. :o) (hang with me here because today I share a MASSIVE Mind Mastery Message that goes way beyond what you may think this email/post is about) Self promotion. Yuck. Double yuck. TRIPLE YUCK. Blecch. I DEFINITELY got the message growing …
Mark Shepard On WRPI Radio with Joy Adler & Gary Goldberg
Hey my beloved Transformation Nation! Here's my video of yesterday's radio interview with Joy Adler and Gary Goldberg. I broke it up into short segments so that it's not so overwhelming for all you attention overloaded folks. I've added players most of the songs of mine that Gary …
How I Struck It Rich In Vegas
A HUGE Harvest Moon hung over the Mountains west of Las Vegas this morning as my Uber made its' way to the airport... I'm compulsively early, so I'm sitting here in Maccaren Int'l Airport waiting for my 7 am flight and I want to share a little bit of the story of... How I Struck It RICH in …