So Be It! The Concept of "Flow" We hear a lot of "tawk" about the concept or idea of "Flow". These days. Peak performance athletes can almost always point to a day, an event, a moment when they were "on". When things just happened for them and through them without thought, or "efforting". When a …
Why Gratitude is NOT BS
Why Gratitude is NOT Sentimental, Airy Fairy, Woo Woo, PollyAnna BS... I've said this before in other places but I'm a gonna say it again here. Gratitude is a powerful Mind Mastery tool NOT because "it's nice to be grateful"... even tho it is. Gratitude is a powerful Mind Mastery tool …
Down To The Wire
Rockin' Down to the Wire... Wow! I got a ton of response from yesterday's post. (Self Promotion Reframed) Thank you so much for being willing to get "real" with me. What I love about this whole thing is that the "stuff" that comes up for me as I increasingly go "all in" with my life, work, …