No! I’m not saying don’t care about people.
I’m suggesting merely that you stop caring “WHAT” people are thinking.
I would like to suggest that instead of caring what other people think, instead start understanding “HOW” other people think.
And more pointedly for this post, start understanding how to “DIRECT” what they think about YOU.
What I mean by that is this: We know that people make a snap judgment about us in the first 7 seconds (if that long). You can direct them to perceive of you as “high status” “leader”, “success”, “King” “CEO” or “Queen”, “badass”, “Goddess”, “Artist,” “healer”, “Musician”, “athlete”, “scholar”, “Author”, “Adventurer”, “self made man”, “modern woman on the move”, or whatever you want to express/convey by the clothes you wear, by how you carry yourself, by the language you use, by your interaction with the people around you, by your interaction with THEM.
This is not being fake, shallow, or manipulative.
This is understanding that you are a blank canvas. What others see on your canvas is totally up to you. What you put on your canvas affects their internal experience of “YOU”.
The idea of YOU is malleable. That’s it. It’s up for grabs. Open to interpretation.
YOU can either be the “victim” of whatever conclusions other people make about you OR you can take charge of that first impression and “direct” their perceptions to be in alignment with who you are.
For men: A lion. A king. A warrior. A self made man. An advisor to presidents, CEO. Hero. Adventurer. Shaman, Mystic. Lover. Lothario. Whatever. You could even be a player par excellence of the greatest game in the Universe.
For women: You can choose “masculine” or neutral archetypes or feminine ones. You can play with all of them… change your archetypes like you change your outfit…. At work you can step into your POWER. At home you can slip into something a little more comfortable. You can play with goddess, huntress, mistress, mother, girl, lover, nurturer, woman warrior, princess, queen, Tantra Priestess, etc… You can be whoever you want to be…
Your life. Your work. Your mission here on this little planet spinning in the midst of the vastness of eternity is YOURS to invent, to create, to “curate”….
Ultimately none of it matters. We will be dust for eons and eons longer than we were ever alive. No one will remember us a million years from now. It is all controlled folly.
But controlling the folly is fun.
Stop worrying about the future. And start being fully alive NOW.
Start creating a future you care about and then be open to something better even if it doesn’t always look like it’s turning out better. It is. You are not dead yet.
Skin in the game.
If you don’t invest in yourself it basically means you don’t care about you. You have no skin in the game… EXCEPT that you actually DO! We all do.
To quote Carlos Castaneda, “We are all beings who are going to die.”
Realize you have serious freaking skin in the game and play all out and all in to win.
Not to win stupid shit that you THINK will make you happy but doesn’t. Cars and houses and fancy vacations. If that motivates you great. If it gets you to commit and go all “in”. Great.
Just realize that I’m talking about something even better. I’m talking about creating the kind of life that people read about, dream about and fantasize about and are inspired by…
What if you actually lived a life that sends out ripples of hopeful, helpful, positive, powerful energy in concentric circles around you. YOU can live that life. And by doing that YOU will inspire OTHERS to LIVE that life… and they in turn will inspire others and so on out into infinity…
Start right now by realizing that this is the ONLY game in town. Your life is the only game ever. Anywhere.
And it’s ticking out faster than you are willing to deal with.
How you deal with the shortness of life is by totally going for it.
One way of “going for it” is investing in your own growth, self healing, self improvement, self education, self love and how you show up in the world even when it scares the hell out of you.
Invest in YOU.
- Take the time every day to work on YOU.
Dare to do something different today. - Dare to challenge your comfy little routines and habits.
- Dare to challenge your self image.
- Dare to shatter your limiting beliefs and old small thinking.
- Stop living life to please your lover, your parents, your friends, your boss, your co-workers, strangers, people you haven’t even met, friends of your friends, whatever.
Start living life to please YOU.
In order to please YOU, you have to know what you actually like. In order to please all these other people you have to actually know what THEY like. And you don’t.
You can not read their minds and know what they are really thinking…
You CAN however know HOW they think. There is a PROCESS we all go through in order to make sense of external reality/events.
And the first thing you need to know about HOW they think is that they will attempt to identify, sort and catalog who you are in the first few seconds of encountering you.
Kind of like you instantly judge something we call a chair to determine what it is and whether you will be comfortable or not sitting in it.
Boom! Instant info. (and it’s not always accurate).
For example, I was once driving down the street in a wealthy part of town and I saw a woman walking carrying suitcases, my immediate impression was that she was a middle aged black woman, probably a maid or nanny returning for the week after her one day off in NYC. An entire story erupted that she was probably taking care of some rich white family’s spoiled kids while her aging mother took care of her kids back in the Bronx…
As I actually passed her I saw that she was white and in her 20’s.
That shit happens all the time with all of us every where. Like death and taxes we can not avoid that. We can however manage it.
So stop guessing and focusing on being who you think everybody else wants you to be. And step fully into who YOU want YOU to be. And then learn how to communicate that through your clothing, your posture, your body language and your mindset authentically, articulately and consistently.
Know thyself! Realize you have been on auto pilot for most of this trip. WAKE UP! Take the wheel. Chart the course.
I’m here to transform the lives of a million men and women around the world with my music, my message and my methods. Why? So that THEY (and YOU) can experience better lives and then exponentially amplify it and send it out farther than I ever could on my own.
Are you in? Cuz I am ALL in… Let’s DO this thing called LIFE!
– Mark
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