Hey There Transformation Nation!
Even though this is ultimately about a serious topic.
I am jazzed up and wildly excited because…
I’ll be giving one of the first “Bully Proof Teen” Bullying Prevention Assemblies of the season at Fairfield Country Day School in Fairfield, CT.
Probably by the time you read this it will be done since it starts at 8:15 am.
Most musicians would shudder at performing at such an early hour. Not me. I’m a morning person! Always felt frustrated by having to stay up late to do music gigs. So this is perfect!
I made a couple of videos for you in my “free” time on this topic. Enjoy!
And I did a value packed introduction to the song of the day…
BBBBBBBBBUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! For absolutely no extra charge I actually sing an actual song to you LIVE!
Wait for it…
Wait for it…
wait for it….
BTW I’m learning how to do stuff AHEAD of time so I can keep my promise to myself and the people like Linda, and Jeremy and Paula and Heather and Dottie and Mark C and Adnrew and Lewis and all the awesome folks who begged and pleaded to hear from me every day…. So by gosh and by golly I AM gonna git this here thing done every day!
any questions?
Speaking of getting things done AHEAD of time… have you um… ahem… purchases your rare and finely constructed Tickets yet to the The BIG GIG? see how good it feels! mmmmm tickets… yu: Tickets to November 19th
Git ’em whenever you feel like ;o) But it would be really helpful if you felt like it soon…
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