Stop. Breathe. Ground. Shift Your Focus.
Today’s Transformation Tune:
Song # 507 “Breathe In The Air” (Home Demo)
- Stop. Breathe. Ground. Shift your focus.
- Stop. Breathe. Ground. Shift your focus.
- Stop. Breathe. Ground. Shift your focus.
I got deep already this morning working on a new course to support my Bully Proof Kid/ Bully Proof Teen Programs.
And I had to STOP. Because the battery in my video camera needed recharging (after something like 9 powerful information and application packed modules).
And it was the perfect time to STOP. Because I wanted to share a little bit about it with you.
Chances are you, like most humans, have people and situations in your life that “test” you, “challenge” you, “threaten” to make you miserable or at the very least uncomfortable.
And there are 3 very simple things you can do to stay resourceful instead of getting pulled off your path or down a rabbit hole of negative emotions.
Here they are.
1. STOP. Breathe up your spine and over the top of your head, then down the front of your body. Pause with full lungs at the top of the breath. Pause with empty lungs at the “bottom” of the breath before taking in the next one. Breathe in a circle.
2. STOP. Ground yourself. Imagine you have roots growing out of the bottoms of your feet directly connecting you with the bedrock, solid, strong, powerful earth energy. And Start to breathe that energy up into your body with the circular breathing.
3. STOP. Shift your focus. Look Around. Chances are you’ve been focusing on the problem or the problem person. LOOK around instead. Look up. Look down. Look to each side, in fact you can simply roll your eyes. You can also notice things that you can be grateful for.
These three simple things are just a few ways ways to stop being neurologically “hijacked” by negative external “stuff”, the “bullies” of life.
That’s it for today. PRACTICE THIS.
It works (if you remember to do it). Remembering to do this is a result of PRACTICING THIS.
that’s it for now.
REMINDER: There is no Transformation Tuesday tomorrow. We will re-group and gather next Tuesday, September 6th.
How are you doing with these Daily Mind Mastery Messages? Let me know if they’ve been helpful.
peace, groovyness and LOVE beaming atcha!
– Mark
For some reason, a lot of folks have been checking out and investing in my “How To CRUSH anxiety NOW” program lately. Could it be that the impending end of summer and beginning of the “school year” has some anxiety stirred up? If you have any anxiety you owe it to yourself to check this course out. 100,000 people over the last 10 years might just be on to something that might also work for YOU.
How To CRUSH anxiety NOW! (Without harmful drugs or endless therapy).
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